Monday, January 02, 2006

Rethinking events

As expected, the buzz all over town and at work today was Ed Wilson's death. There seems to be some discrepancies about what happened, depending on what you saw or heard. For example, I'm in the minority in thinking he intentionally set himself on fire. Most people think it was an accident. But I was less than ten feet away from him when it happened, and it sure looked like he did it on purpose and he knew what he was doing.

What I didn't know was that Ed had been sick at home the whole day, and Cindy had gone to the New Year's Eve festivities on her own. Was Ed faking his illness? Hard to believe he would do that and miss out on the party. Could his actions have been the result of his illness? Probably. He could've been so feverish he didn't know what he was doing. Maybe he had a nightmare about the end of the world and woke up thinking it was real.

The biggest debate has been about Ed's rantings about the end of the world and needing to save ourselves before it happens. Some people believed him when he said the end's coming, but most guys at work thought he was loony. As for me, I haven't decided yet. Ed sure did look scared, like he thought something bad was going to happen.


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