Saturday, March 04, 2006

Like back in junior high

I've been facing some teasing at work since Lisa started staying over. There's the usual curious questions about whether we're dating (to which I politely respond no) all the way to juvenile comments about sex and what Lisa is like in bed (which I just ignore). Some guys just don't grow up. They cant believe that a woman can stay over at a man's house overnight without sex involved, even when I tell them we sleep in separate rooms. When one co-worker (who shall remain nameless) kept pressing about the sex issue, I told him, "You and your wife sleep in the same house every night, and I bet you two don't have sex every night." I must've struck a nerve, because the expression on his face was priceless.

Surprisingly, Lisa didn't get upset when I told her about some of the things people were saying about us behind her back. She just dismissed it as typical juvenile male behavior and said it didn't bother her.


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